Privacy Policy

Data Controller

Gill Kitchen


I collect data to enable me to contact you or contact others on your behalf with your
consent to provide the best possible care and professional advice.
Without certain sensitive personal information, I would not be able to offer safe,
professional therapy. It is necessary for me to hold and process data related to you in
the interests of any safeguarding and risk factors.

You have a right to be informed of fair processing of information with a view to
transparency of data. This statement is intended to fulfill that right.
I will not use any of your data for marketing purposes and I take the confidentiality of
your personal information very seriously.

Personal Data Held includes:

Contact details: name, address, parental email, and telephone numbers.
Date of birth, gender, parental contact details and emergency contact details.
Name and contact details of GP.
Letters from Doctors and other health care professionals in relation to your care.
Initial Consultation / Assessment information.
Brief session notes.
Copies of any letters, email correspondence and notes of telephone conversations.

Your Data will be used for the following purposes:

To ensure I can contact you regarding your therapy sessions.
For me to discuss case notes at clinical supervision meetings and peer review
meetings. It is an ethical requirement for all qualified, practicing therapists to have
supervision to ensure their work is safe and effective.

The new GDPR requires data controllers not to keep information for longer than is
necessary or relevant.

Your data will be kept for the duration of your therapy, and for a further period of six
years from the date of your last attendance. Your file will then be disposed of safely and
securely in accordance with data protection guidelines.

You have the right to access the information I hold about you. Access should be
requested in writing. You have the right to data portability in that you may obtain and
reuse your data for your own purposes across different service providers.
All paper records are kept securely in accordance with data protection regulations.
Information will not be released to any third party (e.g., school, insurance company, or
occupational health requests for information) unless you give your explicit consent. Any
request for your information by third parties must have your written consent before
being released.

I may need to share information with your GP, other medical practitioners, or
safeguarding authorities where this is necessary for your safety or that of another
person. This will always be with your consent unless this would put either yourself or
another at risk of harm.

Further guidance and complaints:
In the event of you wishing to make a complaint about how your personal data is used,
held, or processed, you have the right to complain. I hope you will discuss any
concerns you have with me in the first instance. I shall respond to you within 30 days. If
I do not, you can complain to the ICO (Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
Tel: 0303 123 1113 or email:

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